Always ready for a professional challenge!
Vacate & build project feasibility studies
The firm specialises in feasibility studies of vacate & build and NOP (tama) 38 projects, in accordance with Appraisal Standard No. 21, not only for public entities and real estate developers but also for residents who wish to promote projects where they live.
Financial reporting assessments
The preparation of financial reporting assessments (IFRS) in accordance with Appraisal Standard No. 17.1
Joseph Raiten served as an adviser to the Israeli Securities Authority in 2009 and 2010 and for many years has chaired both the Accounting Standards Committee of the Real Estate Appraisers Association and the Appraisal Standards No. 17 & 18 Subcommittee.
Historical land tracing
Since 1997 the firm has specialised in the tracing of properties in Israel on behalf of third and fourth generation heirs (since the Templar period) in order to claim ownership and registration of the land in the names of the heirs and also to formulate lawsuits for the compensation of land expropriation and/or restitution in accordance with sections 195 and 196 of the Planning and Building Law. This work is done in conjunction with some of Israel's best lawyers in the sector.
Betterment levy assessments
Joseph Raiten has extensive betterment levy experience because of his many years' service on the Ashdod Local Planning and Building Committee since 1994. The firm has in the past represented other local committees (Modiin, Ramle, Elad, Kiryat Ono). The firm currently represents both public and private clients in complex cases, provided that there is no conflict of interest, taking a broad view resulting from Raiten's varied experience (as committee appraiser, owner's appraiser and also as a ruling appraiser before Amendment No. 84 to the Planning and Building Law).
Advice and representation in planning committee opposition proceedings
The firm represents not only developers and authorities that are promoting planning schemes but also opponents who are objecting to plans because of concern as to damage or with regard to disadvantageous balancing tables. Anyone included in, or bordering on, the area of a planning scheme or who has an interest in the plan or wishes to refine it must take opposition proceedings in accordance with section 100 of the Planning and Building Law.
Preparation of depreciation compensation opinions
The preparation of expert opinions in respect of depreciation in accordance with section 197 of the Planning and Building Law. Joseph Raiten has filed opinions in complex, multi-claimant claims such as that by hundreds of families in the Naot Rachel and Tel Giborim suburbs of Holon, who live close to Highway No. 20 in the section that crosses the cities of Holon and Bat Yam and sustained damage as a result of the highway's widening. Joseph Raiten also served as ruling appraiser appointed by the appeal committees (before Amendment No. 84 to the Law) in professionally complex cases like the claim by Moshav Yad Rambam against the Trans-Israel Highway in respect of the expropriation of 600,000 square metres of land for the Highway (Nesharim Interchange).
Preparation of assessments for collateral
The firm prepares assessments for credit collateral in accordance with Accounting Standard No. 19. Joseph Raiten is included in the First International Bank's list of appraisers and is acceptable to the credit departments of the commercial banks by prior arrangement.
Preparation of expert opinions in legal proceedings
Joseph Raiten acts as an expert witness in legal proceedings in complex cases in which the controversy concerns financial matters relating to town planning proceedings, tenders, real estate joint ventures and the like. The opinions that are prepared are broadly based thanks to Raiten's interdisciplinary education and experience.
Adviser to national infrastructure entities
The firm provides professional services to national infrastructure companies like the Electric Corporation, Bezeq, Mekorot and NTA (NTA Metropolitan Mass Transit System Ltd).
Vacate & build projects
The firm acts in connection with the development and promotion of several vacate & build projects, both on behalf of the residents and also as the representative of leading real estate companies. In this connection it should be mentioned that because of his vast experience in the sector, Joseph Raiten was appointed by Minister of Justice, Yaakov Neeman, in 2010 as Vacate & Build Appraiser in accordance with the Vacate & Build (Compensation) Law, having been recommended by the appointments committee from amongst hundreds of candidates.
Due diligence examinations
The firm acts for both institutional and private clients involved in real estate purchases and also performs pre-contract due diligence examinations for them.
Mediation in business disputes
Joseph Raiten, who is also a qualified mediator, deals with the mediation and settlement of business disputes between parties, including during legal proceedings.
Dealing with the sale of real estate
The firm recently started advising on and dealing with the sale of select properties (private houses and luxury apartments, plots of land and commercial properties) on behalf of owners wishing to maximise their proceeds of sale and succeed in executing transactions in difficult market conditions (in accordance with a real estate broker's license dating back to April 2014). The service includes the preparation of a pre-sale property file, dealing with the sale and assisting in pre-contract negotiations with the purchaser
Representation of real estate companies on the acquisition of land for housing
The firm acts as the representative of real estate companies wishing to acquire land for construction in combination transactions or for cash vis-a-vis the landowners and in the arrangement and coordination of large-scale proceedings for the severance of jointly owned land.
Pro bono advice for the community
Joseph Raiten currently provides professional services on a voluntary basis to the board of directors of the Mikvah Israel Agricultural School and he also volunteers as a consultant to the "Bicycle Trail" project of Western Galilee Eshkol (a regional corporation for the development and promotion of the Western Galilee).
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions. You are welcome to arrange a meeting with us in order to obtain advice.